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qPCR Molecular Training Workshop for HAB species detection, discrimination and  quantification: 13th – 17th October 2025, Punta Arenas, Chile

This invitation is for participants to join a five day training workshop on qPCR molecular methods for  HAB species identification and quantification from the 13th – 17th October in Punta Arenas, Chile. 

This workshop is aimed at giving participants a theoretical understanding and practical application of  real time quantitative PCR and its applications in harmful algal bloom (HAB) monitoring. The course  includes presentations, discussions, and practical hands-on demonstrations which covers all aspects  of qPCR assay development, implementation and application, from designing and validating qPCR  assays for the detection of target DNA from field and culture samples, and including data  analysis/result interpretation and method trouble shooting. 

SYBR green and TaqMan assays will be demonstrated, focusing on key species groups of HAB  microalgae (e.g., Alexandrium, Azadinium, Ostreopsis, Phaeocystis, Gambierdiscus and Pseudo nitzschia spp. etc). This list of target assays is flexible accordingly to the needs of the participants, who  are welcome to bring their own field samples to be used during the training. After completing the course  participants will be able to design qPCR assays specific for their individual regional HAB species  profiles and perform qPCR experiments as well as to interpret and analyze data.  

Goals of the Workshop 
  • To give participants a deeper understanding of qPCR and its applications To improve harmful algal bloom detection by using molecular tools 
  • To explore the potential application of qPCR for the monitoring and forecasting of harmful  algal blooms in (own) monitoring programs 
  • To provide guidance for developing own qPCR assays for desired target species 

This workshop is intended for persons working in or planning to initiate harmful algal monitoring  programs, for scientists using or planning to apply qPCR, and are interested in and equipped to  applying this molecular technology. Participation is limited to 20 participants, with a documented  professional interest in phytoplankton identification by molecular biological methods.  

Applications should be submitted by email to:  

Uwe John;
Dave.Clarke (cc): 

before 30th June 2025. A short letter justifying the participation and any previous molecular experience  of the applicant and details of the proposed application of the knowledge gained to HAB monitoring  should be submitted. A brief CV of the applicant’s experience and qualifications must also be provided.  The course will be taught in English, where a good knowledge of English is therefore required. There  will be no registration fee, but participants will have to provide for their own travel and accommodation  expenses.  


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