This invitation is for participants to join a five day training workshop on qPCR molecular methods for HAB species identification and quantification from the 13th – 17th October in Punta Arenas, Chile. This workshop is aimed at giving participants a theoretical understanding and practical application of real time quantitative PCR and its applications in harmful algal bloom (HAB) monitoring. The course includes presentations, discussions, and practical hands-on demonstrations which covers all aspects of qPCR assay development, implementation and application, from designing and validating qPCR assays for the detection of target DNA from field and culture samples, and including data analysis/result…
Workshop Description: In this session the main issues regarding the worldwide occurrence of emerging marine biotoxins will be discussed. This “roundtable & lunch session” is a unique an opportunity for strengthen research networks to address this global risk. Program: Welcome by the EURLMB. The EURLMB and seafood safety in Europe (video projection). Building the map of emerging toxins in the world. Implications for food safety: drafting a common roadmap for a global risk. Acknowledgements and closure. Presenter Details Name: Lucía Soliño Alonso Title: Researcher Affiliations: Oceanographic Center of Vigo, Spanish Oceanographic Institute (IEO, CSIC) and European Union Reference Laboratory for…